I’m a Lucky Girl

Warning: Shameless name-dropping below.

I am lucky enough to work with 2 Parlotones members’ father.

I have met them and hung out backstage at a show with them – the drummer Neil even brought me a drink!

With all their success, they are re-locating to Los Angelos to hit the US music scene. I joked with “dad” the other day that I wanted to date Glen, he is my favourite.



The date request was unsuccessful – however, Glen signed a dvd of their videos for me! yay!!





I can proudly add this to my limited edition clock which is a LP (record) single mounted onto a wooden base 🙂


I was touched when “Dad” gave me both gifts because knowing he must get requests all the time, I have never asked for anything. He is a very shy, humble man, making these gifts just so much more special.