21 Things about Me # 4 / Twenty Wishes for 2014

I am a bit behind, so excuse me while I play catch up:

List FOUR goals you plan to accomplish in the future
I am actually not much of a planner – never have been. This list really is difficult & I cannot come up with 4 goals.
Most of my goals such as –  own a home, see One Direction live, take mom overseas for the first time – have been/are being realised.

So with that I will give you 1 goal:

  1. Take my dad for an overseas holiday – probably to see the Rugby Sevens tournament somewhere awesome like Hong Kong.
    The bonding time with my mom in the UK is going to be amazing. I need the same with my dad. With all his health scares, I want to be able to do this with him before it is too late. Dad and I used to go on road trips to Cape Town and discuss all sorts of things on the 11 hour drive. We have not done this for a very long time.
The rest are all wishes & seeing as I have not yet posted my Twenty Wishes for 2014 ( I compiled it in January, but never blogged it) – here they are:
  1. Buy a really pretty dress – Similar to a LBD – in case I ever need an outfit
  2. Try Pilates
  3. Host more dinner parties/luncheons
  4. Learn to cook more recipes
  5. Eat More fruit
  6. Go to a movie by myself
  7. Kiss a stranger
  8. Take more photos & complete my Project 365 challenge
  9. Fix my dry feet
  10. Do another spontaneous thing (2013: Bought 1D tickets)
  11. Have High Tea in London
  12. Fall in Love
  13. Buy a nice fitting blazer
  14. Read a great book
  15. Watch a classic movie
  16. Drink more water
  17. Get my weight below 70kg
  18. Tone my stomach
  19. Work less
  20. Be a happier person

Project 365: Week 12

Week 12
Week 12


  1. On a hot Sunday afternoon there is nothing left to do except nap
  2. We discovered an awesome slide projector in my grandfather’s belongings. I feel so sad to let it go, but it needs a good home, not to be lying in a box
  3. Pretty ribbon ‘chandeliers’ at the mall.
  4. Rainy day driving
  5. Valentine’s gift from Li. Delicious chocolate!
  6. Noah turned 3 – what a big boy he is becoming.
  7. The moon was hanging around –  barely there – watching us begin our day.


Project 365: Week 12

Week 12

  1. On a hot Sunday afternoon there is nothing left to do except nap
  2. We discovered an awesome slide projector in my grandfather’s belongings. I feel so sad to let it go, but it needs a good home, not to be lying in a box
  3. Pretty ribbon ‘chandeliers’ at the mall.
  4. Rainy day driving
  5. Valentine’s gift from Li. Delicious chocolate!
  6. Noah turned 3 – what a big boy he is becoming.
  7. The moon was hanging around –  barely there – watching us begin our day.


Project 365: Week 11

I have been very bad at updating my blog (and it isn’t technically real posts) and can you believe that we are already 2 months into the year already!?

I am happy to say that I have still been taking my photos fro Project 365. I am just not being as creative as I would like…


  1. I made my 2nd chocolate truffle tart for Valentines Day (Single girls dinner) The Oreos are a bugger to crush if you have no food processor. Hammer works really well!
  2. My Ford Ka is a round little bubble. All the dashboard design elements are too.
  3. Painted my nails red for Valentine’s day – I added sparkle afterwards which looked really nice. Who knows why I didn’t take that photo!
  4. Took a friend for a birthday pedicure and got to spend some time on that awesome day bed before the treatment
  5. On Valentine’s day a colleague gave me a cute fortune cookie and notebook.
  6. Changed my nails again and decided to play with overlapping colours.
  7. I have never had gold nail polish, decided to try it. The result… eh…

Project 365: Week 11

I have been very bad at updating my blog (and it isn’t technically real posts) and can you believe that we are already 2 months into the year already!?

I am happy to say that I have still been taking my photos fro Project 365. I am just not being as creative as I would like…

  1. I made my 2nd chocolate truffle tart for Valentines Day (Single girls dinner) The Oreos are a bugger to crush if you have no food processor. Hammer works really well!
  2. My Ford Ka is a round little bubble. All the dashboard design elements are too.
  3. Painted my nails red for Valentine’s day – I added sparkle afterwards which looked really nice. Who knows why I didn’t take that photo!
  4. Took a friend for a birthday pedicure and got to spend some time on that awesome day bed before the treatment
  5. On Valentine’s day a colleague gave me a cute fortune cookie and notebook.
  6. Changed my nails again and decided to play with overlapping colours.
  7. I have never had gold nail polish, decided to try it. The result… eh…


Project 365: Week 10

  1. Popcorn for movie night – with lots of Butter!
  2. This is something I have always loved doing – photos of feet and faces!
  3. A small building and trees reflected in a tall mirrored building. Johannesburg has some great photo opportunities
  4. This angle was funny, it looked like the cushion was growing a head!
  5. Fluffy tail – and he wonders why I can’t resist!
  6. A selfie while relaxing under a tree on picnic
  7. The view from my dining room table as I sat and worked.


Project 365: Week 10

Week 10
Week 10
  1. Popcorn for movie night – with lots of Butter!
  2. This is something I have always loved doing – photos of feet and faces!
  3. A small building and trees reflected in a tall mirrored building. Johannesburg has some great photo opportunities
  4. This angle was funny, it looked like the cushion was growing a head!
  5. Fluffy tail – and he wonders why I can’t resist!
  6. A selfie while relaxing under a tree on picnic
  7. The view from my dining room table as I sat and worked.

Project 354: Week 9

Now that I am not blogging, I find so many other things to keep me busy that for days I don’t even go onto the internet. (Work doesn’t count as that is… well, work)

Week 9
Week 9
  1. I had a shocking day at work and I could feel that the stress was affecting me. I suffer from low blood pressure – but my reading was high because of work that day. Worst day of 2014 so far.
  2. The relieve some stress the following day; a colleague and I went to a little deli for lunch, such a pretty view. (There was a cat in that frame, he ran away as I snapped the pic)
  3. The sun was setting on my way home and it was hitting the cloud at just the right angle.
  4. Besides my bloodshot eye – I had fun with this photo – you can see me, reflected in my eye.
  5. Squeaky is 10 years old and he may not be a fighter, but his big paws will protect him if he needs it.
  6. Jozi has areas where the walls are painted black and talented graffiti artists express themselves.
  7. When I saw this tree, I just knew it would look great in a grainy B&W.


Project 365: Week 9

Now that I am not blogging, I find so many other things to keep me busy that for days I don’t even go onto the internet. (Work doesn’t count as that is… well, work)

Week 9

  1. I had a shocking day at work and I could feel that the stress was affecting me. I suffer from low blood pressure – but my reading was high because of work that day. Worst day of 2014 so far.
  2. The relieve some stress the following day; a colleague and I went to a little deli for lunch, such a pretty view. (There was a cat in that frame, he ran away as I snapped the pic)
  3. The sun was setting on my way home and it was hitting the cloud at just the right angle.
  4. Besides my bloodshot eye – I had fun with this photo – you can see me, reflected in my eye.
  5. Squeaky is 10 years old and he may not be a fighter, but his big paws will protect him if he needs it.
  6. Jozi has areas where the walls are painted black and talented graffiti artists express themselves. 
  7. When I saw this tree, I just knew it would look great in a grainy B&W.


Project 365: Week 8

Week 8

  1. “May you have love & happiness in your life for 2014″ My 2014 wish on a wooden heart purchased at a shrine in Japan, & I finally got it written on!
  2. Mr High & Mighty
  3. Tin Foil means business
  4. The only white flower on a bush full of red berries
  5. A day of One Direction – I received a poster in the mail & 30 minutes later – a dvd and a cd I had won
  6. Pretty in Pink – The theme for Bookless Club
  7. Peek A Boo (Do I take too many pictures of my cat?)
