21 Things About Me #6

List FIVE things that make you happy

  1. Giving a well-thought out gift to somebody & they genuinely love it
  2. Kittens (or any other baby animal for that matter) & of course my grown up kitty – Squeaky
  3. Coffee in bed
  4. Music that moves my soul. Beautifully written words accompanied by the perfect music and voice – nothing can beat that. (Mirrors – Justin Timberlake, You & I- One Direction, Running Away – Eden, Not a Bad Thing – Justin Timberlake, All of Me, John Legend)
  5. Flirting – its a thrill!


It’s not unusual…


Blog everyday in May – Day 15: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day – this could be “a photo an hour” if you’d like)

I started my day  intent on capturing photos of my ordinary day-to-day happenings.

Somehow the day was anything but a typical day! So here is my unusual day:

  •  Wake up and get love from kitty cat

  •  Check Facebook and Twitter while sitting in traffic going nowhere

  •  Before I know it, it’s lunchtime – Nandos as a treat today because we have guests

  •  Put final touches to a proposal that is worth millions

  •  My Blood Type: Caffiene.
    Try to finish my umpteenth cup of coffee before it gets cold (I never managed to finish any cup)

  •  Another spoil – CHOCOLATE cake. Caramel filling with perfectly balanced butter icing. I’m a red velvet kinda girl, but when chocolate cake is this good – it trumps all others!

  • Receive a gift from guests – a keyring which is a dental implant. Cute. But strange.

  •  18:30: Stuck at the office. Drink wine to make me forget the sorrows of feeling like a slave chained to my desk. Work is much more cheerful when you have wine in your tummy

  • Watching them at the gate – the motor was broken

  •  Our hero Neal saves the day night and cuts open the lock on the motor box with his angle grinder


Challenges Remaining:

Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your “lot in life” and how you’re working to overcome it

Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why

Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.

Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you’re struggling with right now.

Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)

Day 23, Thursday: Things you’ve learned that school won’t teach you

Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits

Day 25, Saturday: Something someone told you about yourself that you’ll never forget (good or bad)

Day 26, Sunday: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you’d like.

Day 27, Monday: A letter to your readers

Day 28, Tuesday: Only pictures

Day 29, Wednesday: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. UseGrooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post

Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go

Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory

Happiness is

May200x200_zpsf8349f10Blog everyday in May – Day 14: Ten things that make you really happy

  1. Sex
  2. Coffee
  3. Bacon
  4. A purring kitty on my lap
  5. Listening/watching One Direction songs/videos
  6. Going on holiday
  7. Taking photographs
  8. Laughing with my family & friends (these are in no particular order!)
  9. My nephew
  10. Being tickled (the gentle kind, not the “funny” kind)

Challenges Remaining:
Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day – this could be “a photo an hour” if you’d like)
Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your “lot in life” and how you’re working to overcome it
Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why
Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.
Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them
Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you’re struggling with right now.
Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives
Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)
Day 23, Thursday: Things you’ve learned that school won’t teach you
Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits
Day 25, Saturday: Something someone told you about yourself that you’ll never forget (good or bad)
Day 26, Sunday: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you’d like.
Day 27, Monday: A letter to your readers
Day 28, Tuesday: Only pictures
Day 29, Wednesday: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. UseGrooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post
Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go
Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory

The secret to a great orgasm

Bet the post title caught your attention!


Blog everyday in May – Day 2: Educate us on something you know alot about or are good at

I’m really good at a few things, but cannot use them for this post because:
  1. How to give a good massage: You need an instinct and strong fingers and wrists
  2. The other is X-Rated!
So I will go with my 3rd option:

How to make a gooood cup of coffee (and I do not mean using the Nespresso machine)

 Put in your sugar and coffee and then add your milk.
Using your teaspoon, beat the living crap out of the mixture until it is frothy and bubbly.
Add the boiling water, a touch of cream, stir well and sprinkle with cocoa powder and a hint of cinnamon.
Oh.. and in case you were wondering…
Take a deep breathe in just as you are almost … there…. (this will get blood flowing to all your nerve-endings and intensify your feelings as you topple over the edge)


Coffee: Did you Know?

Making my colleagues some coffee the other day & I noticed that I am really anal about stirring.

I over-stir my coffee because I hate to get a mouthful of sugar at the bottom of the cup. They all laughed at me because I am so anal, but they don’t get a mouthful of sugar in their last sip now do they?

So the new girl asks for tea & this is where our conversation goes:

New Girl: But only put the sugar in once you have taken the tea-bag out please

Dude 1: What difference does it make?

New Girl: The teabag absorbs some of the sugar and my tea isn’t as sweet

Me: Makes sense to me

Dude 2: I’ve heard you should pour milk in your coffee cup and then pour in the hot water

Me: My grandmother always did that and she made the best coffee!

Dude 1: How can it taste different?

Dude 2: Apparently it stops the hot water from burning the coffee.

Moment of silence, then suddenly all our faces light up.

Makes sense when you think about it.

So in an effort to see if that is true, I do a quick Google search (because I really don’t have much time to investigate as would Nancy Drew)

They say if it isn’t on the 1st page of the results it isn’t important enough anyway.

I did find the answer & Dude 2 was right! So remember that the next time you are making a cup.

Here are some more interesting facts about coffee:

  1. Caffeine content goes up as the water spends more time in contact with the grounds, so regular coffee often has more of it than espresso or cappuccino.
  2. Coffee can seriously help the growth of healthy plants. Just pour cold coffee onto plants or mix the grounds into soil and watch it totally wash the droop away.
  3. Coffee was originally regarded more as a medicine than as a drink. It was thought to cure a number of ailments, including drunkenness and asthma. Robert Burton, in the Anatomy of Melancholy (1632) listed coffee as an intoxicant, a euphoric, a social and physical stimulant, and a digestive aid.
  4. Coffee is grown between the Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn. Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee
  5. Coffee is the 2nd most traded commodity on earth (Oil is first)
  6. Drinking instant coffee produces less carbon emissions than drip-filtered coffee
On that note, look what arrived yesterday:
One Direction Mug
My One Direction mug! The picture is slightly blurred because I was so happy I was shaking.
Now I can look at my boys while I drink my coffee… ahhhhhh!