Uniquely Me – Little t

Today I would like to introduce you to a new blogger I have recently discovered.

This lass – Thelma – hails all the way from Ireland and her blog is a mix of fun pics and style and random things that make her happy.

For a fun visit, say hi to her HERE

But first get to know Little t a bit better:

1: Why did you decide to start a blog?

I started my blog because I was so addicted to reading other blogs and came across things on them daily that I wanted to remember. I didn’t even tell anyone about it for the first few months… and I was the only person reading it. I love having my own little bit of space on the web.

2: What is the silliest thing you have done with your hair?

When I was about 8, I had my hair cropped because I wanted to look like my Mam. I looked like a little boy in a dress. I loved it at the time. Other than that, when I was about 12-13 years old, I frequently used the spice girls for hair inspiration.

3: Tell us about your first kiss

My first kiss was very very innocent. I was at a kind of summer camp in the West of Ireland. It was with a very beautiful boy named William. Afterwards, he bought me a packet of fruit pastilles and I thought it was the most romantic thing.

4: If you could live anywhere in the world – where would it be?

This one is easy. I would live in Paris.I first went when I was about 16 and fell in love with the city and everything about it.

5: What is your favourite comfort food?

I can’t pick just one. My Mam and sister, Fiona are both unbelievable cooks and anything home-cooked and carb-heavy does it for me.

6: Ellen or Oprah?

If I had to choose, Oprah. But I love Ellen’s dancing!

7: If you were a licorice allsort – which colour would you be?

I would probably be black. Not beacause Im mysterious or anything like that, but just because I wear black so much.

8: What are some of your other nicknames?

I don’t think I really have any nicknames, that I know of anyway. It was my cousin and very good friend, Jamie, who called me little t and it just sort of stuck.

9: If you could be any celebrity for a day – who would you be?

Vanessa Paradis. For obvious reasons.

10: Easter Bunny or father Christmas?

Santa of course. I love Christmas!

Uniquely Me – Being Brazen

I am sure most of you know the Lovely Being Brazen
I wanted to find out a little bit about her – so here are my nosy random questions:

Being Brazen's Blog
  1. What made you start your blog? 

    All the voices in my head and my Boyf. 
  2. How did you and the boyf meet? 
    very randomly 😉

  3. What colour scheme is in your bedroom? 
    a mix of neutrals: wood, browns, creams and white.

  4. If you had your own personal fairy, what would her name be? 
    umm…maybe Coco or Matilda

  5. What song would you use to describe your life motto? 
    so many, but one that sticks out right this second is “You Get What You Give,” by the new radicals 😉

  6. If you could have any hairstyle for the day – what would it be?  
    a modern take on the beehive hairstyle – just for fun

  7. Which character from Friends are you most like? 
    probably a mix Rachel and Monica

  8. What is the charity of your choice? 
    Any good charity that supports Underprivileged children gets my support

  9. Tell us one of your nicknames? 

  10. What makes you feel better when you are sick? 
    bovril or marmite toast and a mug of rooibos tea

Uniquely Me – The Blogger formerly known as

I recently discovered yet another awesome blog called: The Blogger formerly known as
Her blog is a mix of fantastical stories and real life.
And her blog is very pretty – I love the pink flowers and stunning mask.
Have a visit, but before you do, here is some more about The Enigmatic Masked Blogger:
1: Why did you start a blog?

 I drifted into it on Facebook (of all places), just as somewhere to express myself. It’s developed a lot since then

2: You have a fantasy pet – what is it and what’s it’s name?

A Snynx called Hissing Tibs. It’s a crossed between a snake and a lynx. With a very soft coat that it sheds regularly. So it’s possible to have a genuine fur coat without offending anyone

3: You are chosen to appear in an article in the Cosmopolitan magazine for your blog – what is the title of the article?

Bewitched Babbler

4: What colour is your most seductive underwear?

 Deep red
5: You just broke a world record in the Guiness Book of Records – which record did you break?

Having the most bubbles in a bubble bath

6: Do Faeries exist?


7: Night Owl or Early Bird?

 Night owl

8: Disney have chosen you to be a new Princess in their latest movie – your name is?


9: Hot Chocolate or Chai Tea?

Hot chocolate

10: Favourite Season?


Uniquely Me – Hannah @ The New Black

So I recently came across an awesome new blog.

Its called The New Black

Hannah has so many things in common with myself (anonymous blog, vampire addiction etc) that I just know you are going to love her.

Give her site a visit – but make sure you have lots of time as you will want to read everything she writes!

1: What made you start your blog?

Well I had a previous blog but so many people in my life knew about it and I was feeling like I had to edit so much of it so I scrubbed it and started over anonymously. I sometimes wish I didn’t have to be so anonymous though. Who knows, maybe I’ll come out soon. ☺

2: If you were a Vampire, what would your name be?

I would totally love to have a Russian Vampire name! Maybe Anastasia? Not AnasAYsia, but AnastaAHsia. Yep, that’s it.

3: What is your number 1 bucket list item?

I posted a bucket list a few months back and still haven’t crossed anything off of it! One thing that I really want to do it to have some pinup pictures taken. Classy and tasteful, but super hot. I like the idea of boudoir pictures, but I think pinup shots take it to the next level.

4: The Paparazzi have just captured a very embarrassing photo of you – what are you doing?

If it’s in the summer I’d be willing to bet it’s a shot of me sporting some heinous boob sweat. My knockers are out of control big and they sweat somethin’ crazy. Sexy, I know. ☺

5: The colour white is banned from weddings – what colour is your wedding dress?

I think I’d pic a dusty plum/lavender hue. I wouldn’t want something bright and shiny, but soft and sorta romantic and feminine.

6: Do you talk to yourself?

All. The. Time. I not only rehearse conversations I plan to have with people, but I converse with myself over the most everyday topics. I do tend to do this while I am alone though. Don’t want to give off that crazy vibe!

7: Twitter or Facebook?

A little of both. I go through phases where I use one more than the other. I’d probably side with Facebook though…more to look at.

8: Edward or Stefan?

Easy. Stefan, looks-wise. I need a man with some meat on him and Edward/RPattz just doesn’t have that. But, I do like Edwards character and bit more that Stefan’s.

9: What colour are your nails?

OPI’s Pamplona Purple. It’s a deeper purple that gives a pop without being too flashy. I love it.

10: Chocolate or vanilla?

Mmm, chocolate!!

Uniquely Me – iDale

I am all into my daily blog fix & I love all the pretty blogs out there.

But today I would like to introduce my 1st Male blogger – Dale.

His blog is no nonsense and straight forward. It has alot of uselful and interesting information and appeals to the testosterone levels within me.

He is based in Johanesburg, South Africa and covers a wide range of topics –  cars, gadgets, wine, food and everything in between.

Visit iDale and enjoy some great reading.

More about Dale:

1: Why did you start blogging?
I’ve always had a passion for design, technology and marketing. I got tired of helping other people setup their web sites and figured that an outlet for my creativity and opinions through a medium that combined my interests and talents would be a winner (for me at least). I’m not scared to share what I do with people and despite blogging for a couple of years, I’ve only started to discover my “voice” in the past two months – I consider it a new start.

2: What is the weirdest thing a girl has said to you?

“You look like that guy from Greys Anatomy. You know, THAT guy?” – Funny thing is that I’ve never watched the show and quite a few people have said that to me over the years. I can only hope he’s a looker!

3: If you were gonna become a transvestite – what would your name be?


4: You are going to a dress up party – what do you go as?

Hugh Heffner – I would sport the satin pajama pants, black slippers and the velvet leisure suite. To top it off I’d puff a big cigar and throw some baby powder in my hair for the aging effect.

5: If you won the lotto – what is the first thing you would buy?

Plane tickets to europe with the intention of finding the second thing I would buy: A villa in the South of France.

6: What do you love most about women?

I’ve never loved a specific thing about women and people are often shocked when I tell them I don’t have a preferred “type”. For me it’s about the whole package and the way a woman carries herself. If the hair, eyes, lips, boobs, bum, legs and personality come together in a way that turns me on, then I’ll love it.

7: After how many dates do you think is acceptable for a 1st kiss?

One or Two. Surely there wouldn’t be a third date without a kiss?

8: What do you spend most of your day doing?

I’m office bound so my day revolves around communication & email. When I’ve got a gap I’ll browse some blogs, see whats trending on twitter and make myself a cappuccino with froth.

9: What makes you laugh?

Anything Will Farrel does or a tickle in the ribs.

10: What is your life motto?

I ask myself this every single day – Is what you’re doing today going to give you what you want out of life?

Uniquely Me – Bobbylicious

Today I would like to introduce you to a fellow South African Blogger based in the beautiful Cape- Bobby.

Bobby has a fun blog called: Bobbylicious

Doesn’t that name just make you wanna go check it out?

Well read her interview below then go!

1: Why did you start your blog?

I’ve always kept diaries to document fun things going on in my life. I thought a blog would be an awesome way to keep a dairy of sorts that I can share with others.

2: Are you left or right handed?

Right-handed. But I eat left handed and I wear watches on my right wrist. I’m a little backwards at times 🙂

3: What screensaver is on your blog?

My blog’s background is full of black and white, hand-drawn stars.

4: If you could become the spokesperson for any charity – which would it be?

A charity that deals with children. Possibly one involved with Chinese children. I once watched an episode on Oprah where they went into a Chinese orphanage. It was full of little girls because in rural areas people have girls then abondon them as they are only allowed on child per family and they prefer to have boys because boys never leave home, they stay on the farm and bring money into the family.

They discovered these crying rooms in these orphanages, tiny baby girl are left to cry themselves to death. I was so angry and upset after watching this. I’ve always wanted to adopt one of these girls. I don’t think I’ll have my own children.

5: Who was your favourite – Father Christmas, or the Easter Bunny

Oh, definitely that jolly man in the bright, red suit…Too many great memories attached to him.

6: What is on your bedside table?

Right at this moment there is “Eat, Pray, Love”, a pen and a notebook, my lamp and a picture of me and my boyfriend dressed as Wonder Woman and Superman. Love that picture!

7: What food are you craving right now?

Oooh, right now I could do with a delicious spinach and feta pasta. Mmmm, drooling.

8: What colour is your toothbrush?

I only ever buy pink ones.

9: What makes you angry?

People who are not as they appear to be. I don’t see why it’s such a bad things to show your true colours to others.

10: Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

Always the right side. It just doesn’t feel right any other way.

Uniquely Me – OneCraftyFox

I have discovered another new blog – Diana is a lady who is extremely talented at sewing and craftwork and I find her blog to be totally beautiful. 
The mood boards are inspiring and too lovely.
Visit One Crafty Fox and see what I mean! 🙂

1: Why did you start blogging: 

        I decided to start blogging for a few reasons actually!  Firstly, I have never been very artistic.  I am quite good at sewing and also enjoy making other small crafts which I sell on Etsy.com in my shops, SizeMedium (link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/SizeMedium ) and OneCraftyFox (link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/onecraftyfox ) … BUT I have never been very good at artwork such as drawing or painting… try as I might!  I am however very good at curating and decided a blog would be a wonderful way to showcase some of my mixed media experimentation such as my mood boards and daily inspirations.  I also wanted to better develop my computer skills and through blogging am now self taught in html script.   And since I was already an avid blog reader, I wanted to become more involved with the blogging community and perhaps meet some new and interesting friends.  

2: What inspires you?

        I am inspired by many different things.  I really enjoy reading other blogs because they are filled with so much beauty and eye candy!  I am also very inspired by fashion, photography, travel, and even the weather. 

3: What is your kitty cat’s name?

       My kitty cat’s name is just that… Kitty!  Although she also responds to “Hello Lovely”! 

4: What is the item you are most proud of making?

        I’d have to say I am most proud of this item: http://www.etsy.com/listing/45497947/from-paris-with-love-off-shoulder-top  I created this item from start to finish… the idea, the pattern and the creation.  I wanted to make something funky, fun and modern that was also unique, and I think I managed to accomplish all of these things.  Plus, I have received so many compliments on it, which makes me feel really great about my project!

5: What is your favourite colour?

       My favorite color changes depending on the seasons.  In the spring and summer I love coral and aqua.  In the fall and winter I prefer shades of gray. 

6: What book are you currently reading:

       I am a total bookworm!!  I just finished ‘The Time Travellers Wife’, but I have to admit that it was absolutely not one of my favorites.  I don’t know, maybe it was all the hype around it, but I don’t seem to have liked it as much as everybody else. 

7: In your opinion what makes a woman strong?

       I think class, poise, and a bit of charisma go a long way!!  A woman who can be beautiful by just being herself is, in my opinion, a strong woman.   

8: What colour nailpolish in the summer? (Coral in the Spring)

       I mix it up with coral and pink throughout the summer depending on what I am wearing. 

9: What is your favourite flavour cupcake?

       A dear friend of mine started a wonderful baked goods (home-based business) and she makes the most delicious vanilla cupcakes stuffed with cranberries and topped with lemon butter icing.  The best part is that they are miniature in size which means that they are only half the calories, lol!! 

10: Texting or phonecalls?

         Always, always, always phone calls.  Don’t get me wrong, I went through a major texting phase but really started to miss talking to my friends.  Plus, there are so many times where it is just easier to call than try to type out a long-winded message.  I rarely text anymore. 

Uniquely Me – The Cow Jumped Over the Moon

I don’t even remember how I found Kate’s blog – but I am glad I did.
Kate is a person who is real. She makes me laugh and I guarantee you will love her blog. You will love her quirky sense of humour too!
Welcome Kate from The Cow Jumped over the moon

1: What made you start your blog?

I was – like everyone else in the world pre facebook – on myspace. I used to blog on there and was incredibly lucky enough to be chosen as a featured blogger of the week by one of the top bloggers on there, Stephanie. Thanks to her, I soon had a decent following, which was fun to say the least! It wasn’t too long after that that myspace changed; lots of people were spending more time on facebook, and myspace became a ghost town of sorts. Stephanie decided to stop blogging on myspace and decided to set up home on blogger. Her blog is here – http://stephie5741.blogspot.com/ After becoming totally bored with myspace, I decided to do the same myself. I have to admit that I hated it on blogger at first; it was so different to myspace, but I guess it’s me just not liking change, I soon got the hang of it. I have no idea why I actually blog, I don’t tend to blog about one particular subject, I just ramble on about whatever takes my fancy. I have been so lucky to meet some wonderful people through blogger though, so I don’t regret moving over here at all.

2: What is your last thought before you go to sleep at night?

I would love to say I thank my lucky stars for everything I have in my life, or something similar, but I’m much more likely to have a moan to myself about the time I have to get up at the next day!

3: If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

I would be the yellow crayon. I think yellow is so cheerful and is capable of brightening up the most miserable of days. It would be nice to be able to do that.

4: Would you go back to a day in the past or to a day in the future?

Ooh. Neither. There are things I would like to be able to change in my past – I have made some woefully bad decisions in my past that have hurt people I love very much – but everything that has happened in the past has made me the person I am today. I don’t think I would like to go into the future as I would then know what’s going to happen way before it did, and I think that would take the surprise and fun out of life. (Although I would love to know what my wedding day would be like – and who the poor soul was that I marry!)

5: Do you like your name?

I have a love/hate relationship with my name. I have the exact same name as the girl who is going out with Prince William, and I get so fed up with people finding out my name and then asking me when I’m going to be marrying my Prince . . . sigh. I’m actually Katherine, which I don’t like – I sometimes wish my parents had named me Catherine. Same name, but the C makes it seem so much nicer, haha! I do like Kate, and I love my middle name, Alice.

6: If reincarnation was real – what would you come back as?

I actually do believe in reincarnation. I just can’t accept that we die and that’s it. What would I like to come back as? I think a cat. They have a pretty cushy life, don’t they? The being able to fall asleep anywhere you like holds a major attraction for me!

7: Really rich and ugly – or really poor and pretty?

Really rich and ugly. Strangely enough, having serious amounts of money always makes people much more attractive to the opposite sex, no matter how ugly they actually are, lol!  

8: Complete this sentence – When I was 5 I….. 

Wanted to be a ballet dancer. Having a growth spurt that left me just under 6 feet tall didn’t help. Neither did my lack of discipline or my love of food.

9: What is your star sign and tell us 1 trait that you feel is true about you.

I was born on July 4th, so that makes me a cancer. Apparently we are sensitive, emotional, kind and caring. We also dislikes criticisms, can’t stand rejection and gets deeply hurt by harsh words. Huh. All of those are me to a tee . . . 

10: What came first – the egg or the chicken?

I’m trying to find a really witty answer to this that will have everyone holding their stomach’s as they gasp for breath as they split their sides laughing – but I’m only half awake and I haven’t had enough coffee yet. My answer has to be that it’s the chicken, it has to be the chicken!

Thank you so much for asking me to do this – I think I’m actually going to cringe when I exactly how much of an eejit I come across as!

Kate: You are not an eejit – I enjoyed this – thanks so much for answering these for me! 

Uniquely Me – Coffee Rings & Other Things

Today I would like to introduce you to a lady I found through a blog, through a blog!

This lady’s blog calms me and she has some lovely ideas as well.

Welcome to Cape Town based Architect: Zeanne from Coffee Rings & Other Things:

1: What made you start your blog?

I started Coffee Rings for a number of reasons, I wanted to learn more about the creative world of blogging, I wanted to meet fellow bloggers and I wanted to feel like I had a piece of “Cyber space” were I was allowed to collect what inspired me! I’ve loved blogging and Ive loved connecting to other bloggers who have introduced me to so many cool places, images and thoughts!

2: What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is definitely Grey, I find it moody, calm and strange. I love different shades of grey and its oyster-like tones.

3: If stuck on a deserted island & you were allowed 1 outfit – what would it be?
Wow, this is a hard question, I’d want my espadrilles, a beautiful Kakhoi and a maybe a few nautical striped t-shirts, just to keep up with current trends… haha, I don’t know… definitely my espadrilles though!

4: If a movie was made about your life story – who would play you and
who would play your love interest?

I want to be played by Charlize, Ive always thought she was beautiful and she’s South African and tall! For my love interest I’d pay Roger Federer to quit tennis and become involved in his first movie, Being Zeanne, where he would be my huge love romance!

5: What is the best bargain you have ever bought at an auction

A beautiful, old, working type writer for R10, it’s mint green, in mint condition and I love it!

6: Tell us your favourite joke

Ok- here it goes, never typed a joke before, but every time I hear this joke, I laugh so hard,
So, here it goes:
There was a lizard taking a strole down the jungle path one day
It wasn’t long before he came to a tree, and he heard hysterical laughing coming from its branches.
He looked up, and in the tree he saw Monkey.
So Lizard shouted to Monkey, “Yo monkey, what’s so funny, you look like you having a great time!”
Monkey replied: “hey Lizard, yip, dude, I’m having the time of my life, come up here and join me.”
So the lizard slowly started to climb the tree to get to Monkey
When he got up, he realized Monkey was smoking some of “the good stuff”, Monkey persuaded lizard to join him in his puffs….
After a while Monkey and Lizard were completely goofed at the top of the tree, crying with laughter at their own jokes. Lizard then turned to Monkey and says in a slow, goofed voice : “wow, Bru, you know I’m lank thirsty, I might take a wander down to the river and have a drink.”
And with that, Lizard slowly made his way down the tree and too the river….
At the River, Lizard sits on the side of the bank, still laughing at what he sees and having a really great time and along came crocodile.
Croc, says to lizard: “wow, lizard, you look like u goofed, were did you get the good-stuff?”  so Lizard tells croc to take a walk to the tree with Monkey in.
Croc take a strole, get to the tree, and calls up, “Yo Monkey”…
And Monkey looks down, sees croc and shouts back
“wow, lizard, far-out, dude… how much water did you drink?!!!” 

7: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I am most productive in the morning, BUT I hate being woken up before I choose to wake up. I love a good night excursion and some fun, but sleeping is a favourite past-time too!

8: What do you obsess over?

Chocolate and Italian type food, as well as sushi!

9: If you were in the circus, which character would you be?

Trapeze artist… or a flame thrower! … AH- or- this one, a sexy lion tamer! Very cool… My 21st theme was ‘Circus” I love the colours, the magic and the Drama!

10: Shoes or handbags?

HANDBAGS! Love them, love the smell of beautiful leather, love the designs, the details, the space and the way they just completely transform and outfit! I Love handbags, and mine really contains everything and the kitchen sink!

Note to Zeanne – see This is me – Photo Challenge # 1 🙂

Uniquely Me – SwissTwist

Today I would like to welcome an ex-pat South African lady currently living in Switzerland.

This lady has a big heart and I am a regular reader of her blogs, I love being kept up to date on the fashions thanks to her photos.

Without further ado…..  Please welcome Swisstwist:

1: What made you decide to start a blog?

I always spent a lot of time on the net, usually in chat rooms and on forums, when I did a search on expats in Switzerland. I found a blog by a very funny Aussie mum also in Kanton Zürich and was inspired. That was a few days before my wedding and the rest, they say, is in my archives!
2: How did you meet MrTwist (I know these questions are always the same – but I am very nosy)

OMG, you just HAD to ask that one??!!? On an internet dating site.
3: What calms you?

The sea. When I lived in Cape Town I would often go for walks on the beach, especially in Winter, I loved it and it always helped me feel centered and alive. These days it’s my beautiful furbaby, M&M, just sitting or lying on the bed and gently stroking him does the trick.
4: What TV show keeps you riveted?

Project Runway US at the moment, but a constant in our household is any and all of the CSI’s.
5: If you could be on the cover of any magazine – which one would it be?

Either US or UK Vogue, I aspire to be the epitome of every Vogue woman
6: When getting dressed – what is the 1st item of clothing you put on?

Usually my trousers (after underwear, of course). First thing I select are my shoes though … and build my outfit around that.
7: Which Desperate Housewife character are you?

I’m a lot of Bree and a bit of Edi J
8: If you could go back in time to 1 moment in your life – which would it be?

There are a number of moments I’d like to relive, but anyone that involves me holding and loving my Angel would make me very happy.
9: Which Disney Prince Charming would you want to rescue you?

Aladdin, I think, because of his magic carpet and pet monkey (hhmmm… that could be a euphemism for something, Freudian slip perhaps?)
10: If you had your own talkshow, what would it be called?

‘If the shoe fits…’