Harmless fun… in public

What is it with me & public places?

1st night: After a few cocktails we couldn’t find a single well-lit area at the shopping center (good for security – bad for Nookie)

Had to make do with grabbing and kissing when there was no-one around.

It was fun, I felt like a teenager and the thrill was heady.

2nd night: Have some sangria (sense a pattern here?) and as he walks me back to my car he kisses me against the car. Before I know it he has lifted me up, wrapped my legs around his waist and we carry on kissing… and kissing… and kissing.

Good thing we were in a public place – otherwise I would have let him have his way with me right then and there… ok perhaps the public place and my … broken-ness would have prevented it.

I feel like a school kid

I love the thrill.

I love how he kisses.

I feel sexy with him.